The 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base UFO Incident

The 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base UFO Incident

Retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas has recounted a startling incident from 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where ten intercontinental ballistic missiles suddenly malfunctioned. Salas reported that the missile failure coincided with the sighting of a red glowing UFO in the vicinity. The malfunction of these critical systems, coupled with the UFO sighting, remains unexplained and has prompted renewed scrutiny of the potential impact of UFOs on national security.

The Incident

On the early morning of March 16, 1967, Captain Robert Salas, stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, experienced a troubling incident involving both UFO sightings and the sudden failure of nuclear missiles. At the time, Salas was responsible for monitoring and controlling ten Minuteman missiles from a capsule located 60 feet underground.

The disturbance began when Salas received a call from his security team stationed above ground, reporting unusual lights in the sky. Initially dismissing this as inconsequential, Salas instructed the guards to notify him only if the situation worsened. Shortly thereafter, he received a more urgent call from the security guards, who were visibly alarmed. They described a large, oval-shaped, red glowing object hovering outside the base's front gate. The guards were so unsettled that they had drawn their weapons and were on high alert.

As Salas was briefing his commander, Colonel Fred Maiwald, about the escalating situation, the missiles under his supervision began to experience operational failures. Within minutes of the second call, between six and eight of the missiles entered a "no-go" condition, rendering them inoperative. This sudden and unexplained malfunction of critical systems occurred directly following the UFO sighting.

Simultaneously, a similar incident was reported at another missile site, Echo Flight, where all missiles also went offline under comparable circumstances. Both Echo Flight and Salas's site, Oscar Flight, experienced UFO sightings near their launch facilities during the same timeframe.

Following the incident, documentation obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that the Air Force acknowledged the occurrence and described it as a matter of "grave concern." Telex communications from Strategic Air Command headquarters referenced the unexplained nature of the missile failures, indicating significant concern at the time.

Witnesses to these events include former personnel such as Eric Carlson, the commander of Echo Flight, and Walt Fiegel, the deputy commander, who have corroborated the UFO sightings and missile failures. Further testimony and documents from the Air Force substantiate Salas's account, including a detailed report of a similar incident that occurred at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota in August 1966.

Salas's account, backed by multiple witnesses and official documentation, remains a significant example of how unexplained aerial phenomena have intersected with sensitive military operations.


In the wake of the March 16, 1967, incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base, the U.S. Air Force conducted a series of internal investigations but did not publicly disclose their findings in detail. The sudden failure of the missiles and the reported UFO sightings generated considerable concern among military and defense officials.

Following the incident, Salas and other witnesses were interviewed, and reports were compiled to understand the cause of the missile malfunctions. Despite the thorough investigations, the official explanations remained inconclusive, and the Air Force did not provide a definitive reason for the simultaneous missile failures.

The incident was documented in various internal reports, including telexes from Strategic Air Command headquarters, which noted the "grave concern" over the unexplained missile failures. These documents, released later through Freedom of Information Act requests, confirmed the presence of UFOs in the vicinity but did not offer a clear connection between the UFOs and the missile malfunctions.

Salas's account, along with corroborative testimonies from former colleagues and other military personnel, continued to fuel speculation and debate. The lack of a clear explanation contributed to a sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the event. Additionally, the incident was noted in subsequent UFO research and discussions, further highlighting the potential implications of such phenomena on national security.

In the broader context, the incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base became one of several high-profile cases linking UFO sightings to military operations. It remains a significant example of how unexplained aerial phenomena have intersected with sensitive defense systems, contributing to ongoing debates about the nature of UFOs and their potential impact on global security.

Despite the lack of concrete explanations from the Air Force, the incident has been cited in various forums, including public hearings and UFO research, as evidence of the need for further investigation into the interactions between UFOs and military technology.

Possible Explanations

The 1967 incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base has sparked numerous theories about the cause of the missile malfunctions and the simultaneous UFO sightings:

  1. Technical Malfunction: One possible explanation is a technical glitch or software error that caused the missile systems to fail. However, the simultaneous sighting of a UFO raises questions about this theory.
  2. Human Interference: Some suggest that sabotage or unauthorized testing by human actors could have led to the missile malfunctions. This theory, however, does not account for the reported UFO sightings.
  3. Atmospheric Phenomena: Natural atmospheric conditions or rare meteorological events might have interfered with the missile systems. This theory is also challenging to reconcile with the detailed accounts of a red glowing object seen by security personnel.
  4. Extraterrestrial Involvement: Given the UFO sightings reported by multiple witnesses, some believe that extraterrestrial beings might have been responsible for the missile failures. This theory posits that advanced technology beyond human understanding could have temporarily disabled the missiles as a form of observation or warning.

Each of these explanations has its proponents, but none has been definitively proven, leaving the Malmstrom incident an enduring mystery.


The 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident remains a compelling case in the study of unexplained aerial phenomena. Despite thorough investigations, the simultaneous missile malfunctions and UFO sightings have not been conclusively explained. Theories range from technical malfunctions to potential extraterrestrial involvement, but the lack of definitive answers continues to intrigue researchers and military historians. The incident underscores the need for ongoing investigation into the interactions between unidentified aerial phenomena and sensitive military technologies.