The 1977 Broadhaven Incident (Wales)

The 1977 Broadhaven Incident (Wales)
Drawings of the objects

In the quiet village of Broad Haven, nestled in the county of Pembrokeshire, Wales, a series of extraordinary events in 1977 captured the imagination of locals and UFO enthusiasts worldwide. Known as the Broadhaven incident, these events involve a cluster of UFO sightings and encounters that have since become one of the most intriguing and enduring mysteries in the realm of unidentified flying objects.

The Broadhaven incident case stands out not only for the number of sightings but also for the credibility of witnesses, which included schoolchildren and local residents. The detailed and consistent accounts provided by these witnesses drew significant media attention and prompted investigations by both local authorities and UFO researchers. Over the years, the Broadhaven incident has been etched into the annals of UFO lore, serving as a notable example of the phenomena that continue to elude definitive explanation.

This article delves into the Broadhaven incident, exploring the initial sightings, subsequent reports, media and public reactions, and the various investigations and theories that have emerged over the years. By examining this fascinating case, we aim to shed light on the broader implications of such sightings and the enduring mystery that surrounds the UFO phenomenon.

The Initial Sightings

The Broadhaven incident saga began on a seemingly ordinary day in February 1977, when a group of schoolchildren from Broad Haven Primary School reported seeing a UFO in a field near their playground. This sighting would become one of the most famous UFO cases in Wales and a central part of the broader wave of sightings in the area that year, later dubbed the Dyfed Triangle.

David Davies, who was 10 years old at the time, recalls hearing about the sightings throughout the day. Intrigued by his classmates' reports of flying saucers, Davies decided to investigate the area himself after the school bell rang. He described seeing a silver, cigar-shaped craft with a dome covering the middle third. His sighting lasted only a few seconds, as the craft popped up and then disappeared behind a tree. Despite his natural skepticism, Davies felt more awe and wonderment than fear, although he did have a strange desire to run away.

Drawing of the object

Initially, the teachers did not believe the children’s stories. However, the headmaster took their claims seriously enough to separate the students and ask them to draw what they had seen. Despite slight variations, the drawings were remarkably similar, depicting a consistent image of the unusual craft.

Drawings of the object

The days that followed were a whirlwind of media frenzy and public attention. David Davies described this period as a "wild rollercoaster," making it difficult for the children to process what they had seen. Two months later, Rosa Granville, who ran the Haven Fort Hotel in nearby Little Haven, reported a similar encounter. She described seeing an object resembling an upside-down saucer and two faceless humanoid creatures with pointed heads. Granville noted that the object emitted intense heat, enough to make her face feel burned, and left two inches of scorched ground where it had landed.

These initial sightings in Broad Haven set the stage for a series of investigations and widespread speculation. Then-MP for Pembroke, Nicholas Edwards, contacted the Ministry of Defence after being inundated with reports of UFO sightings. An officer from RAF Brawdy, Flt Lt Cowan, visited Ms. Granville’s hotel and examined the site but found no evidence of a landing, humorously remarking that a UFO would be charged normal landing fees if it arrived at RAF Brawdy.

Theories to explain the sightings ranged from local pranksters to misidentifications of ordinary objects. Businessman Glyn Edwards later admitted to wandering around the area in a silver suit as a prank in 1977. Some officials suggested that the children might have mistaken a sewage tank for a UFO, though many of the children were from farming backgrounds and familiar with such equipment. More recently, a former US Navy sailor claimed that the figure in a silver suit was actually a US military member wearing a fireproof uniform, and the UFOs were new Harrier jets flying over the area.

Despite these various explanations, the Broad Haven sightings sparked global interest and remain a significant chapter in UFO history. David Davies, who has since become a prominent speaker on the subject, reflected on the impact of the sightings on his life, noting how UFOs have continued to dominate his thoughts and interests. As the 40th anniversary of the sightings approached, events and conferences were organized to commemorate the incident, underscoring its enduring mystery and significance.


The Broadhaven incident incident of 1977 began with a sighting by schoolchildren at Broad Haven Primary School, who reported seeing a silver, cigar-shaped craft in a nearby field. This initial sighting was part of a larger wave of UFO reports in the area, collectively known as the Dyfed incident. The children's detailed and consistent accounts, along with subsequent sightings by other local residents, drew significant media attention and sparked various investigations. Despite numerous theories, including pranks and misidentified military activities, no definitive explanation has been universally accepted. The incident has left a lasting legacy, influencing both the local community and the broader field of UFO research.

The Broadhaven incident incident holds a unique place in UFO studies due to the credibility and number of witnesses, the media frenzy it generated, and the thorough investigations it prompted. It stands as a significant example of a "UFO flap," illustrating how multiple sightings in a concentrated area can create a compelling case for researchers. The incident also highlights the psychological and social impacts of UFO encounters on individuals and communities. By maintaining public and scholarly interest over decades, the Broadhaven incident has contributed valuable data and insights to the ongoing exploration of unidentified aerial phenomena.

Despite extensive investigation, several open questions remain about the Broadhaven incident. Key among these is the true nature of the sightings: Were they the result of military exercises, elaborate pranks, or genuine extraterrestrial encounters? Additionally, the physical evidence, such as the scorched ground reported by Rosa Granville, has never been conclusively explained.

Future research may benefit from advancements in technology and investigative techniques, potentially offering new insights or uncovering previously overlooked evidence. Furthermore, as societal attitudes towards UFOs continue to evolve, new witnesses may come forward, and old witnesses may feel more comfortable sharing additional details.

The Broadhaven incident remains a fascinating case study, and ongoing interest from both the public and researchers ensures that it will continue to be a topic of discussion and investigation. As we move forward, the lessons learned from this incident will undoubtedly shape our understanding of the complex and mysterious phenomenon of UFO sightings.