The 2018 'JELLYFISH' UFO In Iraq

The 2018 'JELLYFISH' UFO In Iraq

Reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), referred to as the 'Jellyfish' and 'Chandelier,' have garnered significant public interest. UFO enthusiast Jeremy Corbell has shared footage of these sightings, adding to the growing body of documentation and analysis of unexplained aerial objects.

Hello World Console

In one notable instance, a video recorded over a U.S. operations base in Iraq in October 2018 shows an object resembling a jellyfish moving at a consistent speed and direction. Corbell's footage depicts the object exhibiting transmedium capabilities, moving seamlessly between air and water. Recorded over the Persian Gulf at night, the object reportedly submerged and then reemerged, displaying rapid movement that challenges current technological understanding.

Similarly, Corbell presented an image of another UAP, referred to as the 'Chandelier,' captured over the Persian Gulf using thermographic technology. Both cases lack conventional flight control surfaces and typical aerodynamic signatures, raising questions about their origin and capabilities.

The Incident

In October 2018, a peculiar incident occurred over a U.S. operations base in Iraq, capturing the attention of military personnel and UFO enthusiasts alike. The sighting involved an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has since been dubbed the 'Jellyfish' due to its unique appearance and behavior.

Description of the 'Jellyfish' UAP

The 'Jellyfish' UAP was recorded floating above the military base, changing colors from black to gray to white, with three appendages or “legs” hanging beneath it. The object exhibited steady movement, maintaining a consistent speed and direction. Jeremy Corbell, a well-known UFO enthusiast, released the footage, describing the object’s transmedium capabilities—moving seamlessly between air and water. According to Corbell, the object submerged into the Persian Gulf and later reemerged, demonstrating rapid movement that current technology could not capture effectively.

Eyewitness Account

Former Marine Michael Cincoski, who served at the Iraq base during the time of the sighting, provided additional insights. Cincoski recalled the 'Jellyfish' UAP as a phenomenon that haunted the base for years, becoming somewhat of a "ghost story" among the personnel. He mentioned that while some Marines were tasked to monitor the object, it did not pose an immediate threat, and there was no need for defensive measures.

Cincoski described the UAP's movement as it seemingly floated into the distance, becoming smaller and smaller, though it was unclear if this was due to the sensor zooming out or the object moving away. He refuted claims from Corbell’s video that the object had dived into nearby Lake Hibernia in Anbar Province before shooting back into the sky at a 45-degree angle. According to Cincoski, at no point did the object drop into the water and then re-emerge in the manner described.

Possible Explanations

The sighting of the 'Jellyfish' UAP over a U.S. operations base in Iraq has led to numerous theories and hypotheses. Here are some of the leading explanations that have been proposed to account for this intriguing phenomenon:

1. Natural Phenomena

  • Atmospheric Anomalies: One potential explanation is that the 'Jellyfish' UAP is a result of rare atmospheric conditions. These conditions might create optical illusions or distortions that cause familiar objects to appear unusual. For example, reflections, refractions, or temperature inversions could potentially produce such an effect.
  • Bioluminescent Organisms: Another natural explanation could involve bioluminescent organisms, like marine animals, reflecting light in a way that creates a jellyfish-like appearance in the sky. However, this theory does not fully account for the object's reported aerial and transmedium capabilities.

2. Human-Made Objects

  • Advanced Military Drones: The 'Jellyfish' UAP could potentially be an advanced military drone. Such drones might be designed for reconnaissance or other purposes and could utilize cutting-edge technology that is not publicly known. This theory is plausible given the UAP’s observed capabilities and the military context of the sighting.
  • Experimental Aircraft: Similar to the drone hypothesis, the 'Jellyfish' UAP might be an experimental aircraft from a covert military or aerospace program. These aircraft could be testing new propulsion systems, materials, and designs that result in unconventional appearances and movements.

3. Extraterrestrial Technology

  • Alien Probes: Some researchers and UFO enthusiasts speculate that the 'Jellyfish' UAP could be a probe or vehicle from an extraterrestrial civilization. The object's advanced maneuverability, lack of conventional flight control surfaces, and transmedium abilities support this hypothesis, although it remains speculative without direct evidence.
  • Interdimensional Entities: A more speculative theory is that the UAP could be an interdimensional entity capable of moving between different dimensions or realities. While intriguing, this explanation lacks scientific validation and remains a fringe hypothesis.

4. Technological Glitches

  • Sensor Malfunctions: There is also the possibility that the sighting was the result of sensor malfunctions or glitches in the recording equipment. This explanation suggests that the unusual characteristics of the 'Jellyfish' UAP might be artifacts created by faulty or misinterpreted data from the sensors used to capture the footage.


The 'Jellyfish' UAP sighting over the U.S. operations base in Iraq remains an enigma, with various plausible explanations ranging from advanced human technology to natural phenomena and even extraterrestrial probes. Despite the extensive speculation and analysis, the true nature of the 'Jellyfish' UAP continues to elude definitive identification. As investigations continue and more information emerges, this sighting will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand and explain unidentified aerial phenomena.