UFO Sighting Halts Flights at Imphal Airport (2023)

UFO Sighting Halts Flights at Imphal Airport (2023)

On November 19, 2023, an unusual sighting near Imphal’s Bir Tikendrajit International Airport in Manipur, India, caught the attention of both the public and authorities. Reports surfaced of a UFO visible in the sky around 2:30 PM, prompting an immediate response from security forces. The Indian Air Force (IAF) quickly swung into action, scrambling Rafale fighter jets from a nearby airbase to investigate the mysterious object. Passengers at the airport were left in suspense as flight operations were halted for nearly three hours while officials tried to determine what was in the sky.

Incident Details

On November 19, 2023, reports of a UFO near Imphal’s Bir Tikendrajit International Airport began circulating around 2:30 PM. Eyewitnesses described the object as a small white dot visible to the naked eye, moving steadily westward across the sky.


As the situation unfolded, the Indian Air Force (IAF) was alerted and quickly decided to scramble Rafale fighter jets from the Hashimara airbase in West Bengal to investigate the unidentified object. Flight operations at the airport were suspended shortly after the initial reports came in, creating a tense atmosphere as passengers waited for updates.

The timeline of events was as follows:

  • 2:30 PM: Security forces receive reports of a UFO sighting near the airport.
  • Shortly After: The IAF is notified and begins preparations to respond to the sighting.
  • 3:00 PM: The IAF scrambles Rafale fighter jets to investigate the object.
  • 3:30 PM: Flight operations at Bir Tikendrajit International Airport are halted as a precautionary measure.
  • 4:00 PM: The UFO remains visible until approximately this time, continuing to draw attention.
  • After 4:00 PM: The fighter jets conduct low-level searches in the area but find no evidence of the UFO.
  • 5:30 PM: Flight operations resume after clearance is given by the IAF.

Flight Operations Impact

The sighting of the UFO near Imphal’s Bir Tikendrajit International Airport led to a significant disruption in flight operations, with the suspension lasting nearly three hours. The alert issued by security forces prompted the Indian Air Force (IAF) to take immediate action, prioritizing safety over regular air traffic.

During this suspension, all incoming and outgoing flights were halted, causing a ripple effect throughout the airport. Passengers already on the ground faced delays, while those waiting to depart were left in limbo. Reports indicated that at least two flights were diverted to other airports, and several departing flights were delayed as authorities worked to assess the situation.

The extended pause in operations not only inconvenienced travelers but also raised concerns about the overall safety protocols in place for handling unidentified aerial phenomena. Ultimately, flights resumed around 5:30 PM after clearance was given by the IAF, but the incident served as a stark reminder of how quickly routine airport operations can be affected by unexpected events in the skies.


The UFO sighting near Imphal’s Bir Tikendrajit International Airport on November 19, 2023, highlights the complexities and challenges of maintaining aviation safety in the face of unidentified aerial phenomena. The swift response by the Indian Air Force and airport authorities, including the suspension of flights for nearly three hours, underscores the seriousness with which such incidents are taken. While no concrete evidence of the UFO was found, the event drew significant attention and prompted a thorough investigation, reflecting the importance of safety in air travel.

This incident also reignited public interest in UFO sightings, sparking discussions about the possibility of unexplained phenomena in our skies. As more people share their experiences and videos on social media, the fascination with UFOs continues to grow, leading to a blend of curiosity and concern among the public.

As investigations into the incident continue, it serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between ensuring safety in aviation and addressing the intrigue surrounding unidentified flying objects. The response by authorities reflects a commitment to safeguarding airspace while also acknowledging the ongoing interest in the mysteries that our skies may hold.