Westall 1966 UFO Encounter

Westall 1966 UFO Encounter

On April 6, 1966, in the suburban area of Melbourne, Australia, a notable UFO sighting occurred at Westall Secondary School. This event, often referred to as the Westall UFO Encounter, involved multiple witnesses including students and staff who observed unusual aerial objects over the school grounds. The incident, which took place around mid-morning, has garnered attention due to the number of observers and the detailed reports provided by those who were present.

The sighting involved several unidentified flying objects that were seen moving in the vicinity of the school and nearby scrubland. The objects were described as having a silvery appearance and displaying flight characteristics that were not immediately identifiable. The encounter was reported to have involved various aircraft, both private and possibly military, which added to the complexity of the situation.

Despite extensive media coverage and subsequent investigations, the exact nature of the objects observed remains unresolved. The Westall UFO Encounter continues to be a point of interest for researchers and enthusiasts, highlighting how even seemingly ordinary locations can become the site of extraordinary events.

The Incident

On April 6, 1966, at approximately 11 a.m., the Westall Secondary School in Melbourne became the scene of a remarkable UFO sighting. The day started like any other, but soon, students and staff would find themselves witnessing an aerial event that defied easy explanation.

The sighting began when several students and teachers at the school observed multiple unusual flying objects in the sky. According to witness accounts, the objects appeared over the school’s oval, an open field adjacent to the school grounds. The initial reports describe the objects as being “silvery” and “dazzling,” with one of the objects being notably larger than the others. This larger object was described as having a round shape with a prominent dome or hump on top, and smaller round features underneath.

As the sighting progressed, witnesses reported seeing up to three distinct objects maneuvering in the sky. Some accounts suggest that these objects were moving in a coordinated manner, while others describe them as acting independently. The objects were noted to exhibit unusual flight characteristics, including rapid changes in direction and speed, which set them apart from conventional aircraft.

The situation intensified when several private aircraft, predominantly Cessnas, were observed flying towards and around the UFOs. This added an additional layer of intrigue, as the presence of these aircraft suggested that the UFOs were drawing attention from other aerial observers. The aircraft, according to some reports, seemed to be attempting to approach or possibly even intercept the unidentified objects.

The sighting lasted for about 20 minutes, during which time the UFOs reportedly made a series of maneuvers before moving towards a nearby area of scrubland known as The Grange. Witnesses described the objects descending and then disappearing behind the trees. As the UFOs moved away, some students reported seeing a bright flash of light, followed by a sudden disappearance of the objects from view.

In the aftermath of the sighting, several students and teachers were questioned by school authorities and local media. The descriptions provided by these witnesses varied but were consistent in noting the unusual appearance and behavior of the objects. Some witnesses noted that the objects seemed to change shape or thickness as they moved, further complicating the identification of the phenomenon.

Local authorities and the media quickly took an interest in the incident. The Dandenong Journal, a local newspaper, covered the event extensively, reporting on the witness accounts and the mystery surrounding the sighting. However, the school itself remained unusually silent about the incident, leading to speculation and rumors about the nature of the objects observed.

Despite investigations by local UFO researchers and the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, no definitive explanation was reached. The sighting at Westall Secondary School remains one of the more compelling and widely witnessed UFO encounters in Australian history, contributing to ongoing discussions and investigations into unexplained aerial phenomena.

Possible Explanations

The Westall UFO Encounter has remained a subject of intrigue and speculation, with various explanations proposed over the years. Despite extensive witness testimonies and media coverage, no single theory has been universally accepted. Here are some of the prominent explanations that have been suggested:

1. Weather Balloon: One of the earliest explanations proposed was that the sighted objects were weather balloons. The Age newspaper suggested that a weather balloon released from Laverton could have drifted into the area of the sighting. Weather balloons can sometimes appear as large, silvery objects and might account for some of the characteristics described by witnesses. However, the rapid movement and unusual maneuvers of the objects as reported by observers make this explanation less convincing.

2. Military Aircraft: Given the proximity of Westall Secondary School to military facilities such as Moorabbin Airport, some have suggested that the objects were military aircraft, possibly engaged in training exercises. The presence of multiple private aircraft, particularly Cessnas, might have been related to a routine flight operation or a response to the military aircraft. However, this explanation does not fully account for the reported unusual flight patterns and the lack of corroborating military documentation.

3. Experimental Craft: Another theory posits that the objects could have been experimental aircraft or prototypes being tested by government or private entities. During the 1960s, various experimental aircraft designs were tested, and some of these might have exhibited unconventional flight characteristics. This explanation is plausible given the region's history of military and aerospace testing, but no specific evidence has been linked to this theory.

4. Hoax or Prank: Skeptics have suggested that the incident might have been a prank or hoax perpetrated by students or local residents. This theory is supported by the possibility of a prank involving model aircraft or other devices designed to mimic UFOs. While this explanation could account for some aspects of the sighting, it does not adequately explain the large number of credible witnesses and the detailed accounts of the objects' movements.

5. Optical Illusions or Misidentifications: Some researchers have proposed that the UFO sighting might have been the result of optical illusions or misidentifications of ordinary objects. For instance, reflections or atmospheric conditions could have caused a conventional object to appear as an unusual or unfamiliar shape. While this explanation may account for some visual distortions, it struggles to explain the consistency of witness reports and the detailed descriptions provided.

6. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis: While the most sensational, the extraterrestrial hypothesis remains a popular explanation among some UFO enthusiasts. According to this theory, the observed objects could have been spacecraft from another world. This explanation aligns with the UFO phenomenon's broader narrative but lacks empirical evidence to support it.

7. Secret Government Experiments: A more speculative theory is that the objects were part of secret government experiments not publicly disclosed at the time. This theory suggests that the objects could have been advanced technology or experimental devices under development by government agencies. However, this explanation remains speculative without concrete evidence linking the sighting to specific governmental activities.

Despite these proposed explanations, the Westall UFO Encounter continues to be shrouded in mystery. The variety of theories reflects the complexity of the sighting and the challenges inherent in investigating unexplained aerial phenomena. The lack of a definitive resolution has contributed to the ongoing interest and debate surrounding the event.


The Westall UFO Encounter had significant repercussions both locally and within the broader UFO research community. The incident's aftermath unfolded over several decades, shaping public perception and sparking ongoing investigations into the nature of unexplained aerial phenomena.

Initial Reactions and Media Coverage:

Immediately following the April 6, 1966 sighting, the Westall UFO encounter garnered substantial media attention. Local newspapers, including The Dandenong Journal, reported on the event with varying degrees of sensationalism. The lack of an official explanation from the school and the inconsistent statements from authorities fueled public curiosity and speculation. Despite the extensive coverage, the official response remained minimal, leaving many questions unanswered.

Government and School Responses:

In the wake of the incident, Westall Secondary School and local authorities offered limited commentary. The school's administration was notably reticent, contributing to the public's perception of a cover-up or deliberate silence. This lack of transparency led to increased speculation and conspiracy theories regarding the nature of the sighting.

The Australian government and defense agencies, including the Department of Defence, did not issue a formal statement or detailed investigation into the incident. The absence of official information from these bodies further fueled speculation and added to the mystery surrounding the event.

Community Impact and Public Interest:

Locally, the Westall UFO Encounter had a lasting impact on the community. Residents of the area, particularly those who witnessed the event, continued to discuss and speculate about the sighting. The incident became a significant part of local folklore, and the witnesses' testimonies remained a point of reference for UFO enthusiasts and researchers.

In the years following the encounter, several attempts were made to investigate and document the sighting. UFO researchers and enthusiasts, both local and international, conducted interviews and sought additional evidence. Despite these efforts, no definitive explanation was reached, and the incident remained unresolved.

Cultural and Historical Significance:

The Westall UFO Encounter has since become an important case in the history of UFO sightings. It is often cited as one of Australia's most compelling and well-documented UFO incidents. The event's enduring mystery has contributed to ongoing discussions about the nature of unexplained aerial phenomena and the potential for governmental secrecy or cover-ups.

Recent Developments:

In recent years, there have been renewed efforts to revisit and analyze the Westall UFO Encounter. Documentaries, interviews, and public talks have aimed to shed new light on the incident and explore its implications further. These contemporary investigations often emphasize the need for transparency and a comprehensive understanding of the event.


The legacy of the Westall UFO Encounter continues to influence public interest in UFOs and unexplained aerial phenomena. The event has inspired numerous articles, books, and documentaries, contributing to the broader discourse on the subject. The site of the sighting, The Grange, has become a point of interest for those intrigued by the event, and the story of the encounter remains a significant chapter in Australia's UFO history.

Overall, the aftermath of the Westall UFO Encounter highlights the challenges of investigating and understanding unexplained phenomena. Despite the passage of time, the incident remains a compelling and enigmatic case, illustrating the complexity of UFO sightings and the enduring quest for answers.


The Westall UFO Encounter of April 6, 1966, stands as one of Australia's most intriguing and widely discussed UFO sightings. Despite extensive local and international interest, the incident remains shrouded in mystery, with no definitive explanation offered. The lack of official comment and the varied accounts from witnesses have only fueled ongoing speculation and debate. As one of the most significant UFO cases in Australian history, the Westall incident continues to captivate the public and researchers alike, underscoring the complexities and enduring allure of unexplained aerial phenomena.